Instructions on Forgiveness / Mt 18: 21-35 February 12, 2023 Pastor Trey Pollard Parables of Jesus Matthew Verse by Verse Audio
Parable of the lost Sheep / Mt 18:12-20 February 12, 2023 Pastor Trey Pollard Parables of Jesus Matthew Verse by Verse Audio
Parable of the Dragnet and Householder / Matthew 13:47-52 November 13, 2022 Pastor Trey Pollard Parables of Jesus Matthew Verse by Verse Audio
Parable of the Hidden Treasure and Pearl of Great Price / Matthew 13:44-46 November 13, 2022 Pastor Trey Pollard Parables of Jesus Matthew Verse by Verse Audio
Parable of the Wheat and Tares / Mt 13:24-30; 36-43; 47-50 November 9, 2022 Pastor Trey Pollard Parables of Jesus Matthew Verse by Verse Audio
Parable of Mustard Seed and Leaven / Mt 13:31-33 November 9, 2022 Pastor Trey Pollard Parables of Jesus Matthew Verse by Verse Audio
Parable of the Soils / Mt 13:1-23 November 2, 2022 Pastor Trey Pollard Parables of Jesus Matthew Verse by Verse Audio